Living Systems_

Parsing DrugBank XML (or any large XML file) in streaming mode in Go

I had a problem in which I thought I needed to parse the full DrugBank dataset, which comes as a (670MB) XML file

(For open access papers describing DrugBank, see: [1], [2], [3] and [4]). It turned out what I needed was available as CSV files under “Structure External Links ”. There is probably still some other uses of this approach though, as the XML version of DrugBank seems to contain a lot more information in a single format. And in any case, this forced me to figure out how to parse large XML files in a streaming fashion in Go, as older tools like XMLStarlet chokes for many minutes upon the DrugBank file (trying to read it all into memory?), killing any attempt at an iterative development cycle. And, it turns out Go’s support for streaming XML parsing is just great!

While Go’s XML stream-parsing support is great, the details of how to do that in a streaming fashion was not immediately clear from the docs, and I was thus saved by this blog post by David Singleton . Basically, you could use his blog post as a starting point, but I wanted to write up my own post to document some specifics and peculiarities I figured out.

Idea: Parse DrugBank XML to TSV

So in short, we want to parse the DrugBank XML, which contains tons of hierarchical information about each drug in the dataset, and extract just a few fields, and output that into a nicely formatted tab-separated (.tsv) file.

The fields which we want to extract in this example (which is based on my real world problem mentioned above) for each drug are:

The DrugBank XML format

The DrugBank XML format is a pretty simple one on its highest level: It is basically a lot of elements thrown into a enclosing tag. The relative complexity comes within the tag. But because of how Go parses XML to structs using tags, we can just skip most of that info, and only focus on the parts we are interested in.

A schematic example of the DrugBank XML containing only the fields we are interested could look like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<drugbank xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="" version="5.0" exported-on="2017-12-20">
<drug type="small molecule" created="2005-06-13" updated="2017-12-19">
      <resource>PubChem Compound</resource>
      <resource>PubChem Substance</resource>

(In reality, each element is far far many more lines than this, which really necessitates proper XML parsing tools).

Mapping XML to Go Structs

The parsing strategy for XML in Go, is the same as for other formats such as JSON: Define one or more structs into which we parse certain XML elements and attributes. The mapping between XML (or JSON) and the struct fields are done using so called “tags” which are added within back-quotes after the fields in the struct definition. Thus, defining sensible structs and XML element-to-struct field mappings is the core of the work, and will directly influence how easy your code will be to work with.

Below you can see the struct-structure (sounds just right, right?) I defined to be able to parse out the data I’m interested in:

type Drugbank struct {
    XMLName xml.Name `xml:"drugbank"`
    Drugs   []Drug   `xml:"drug"`

type Drug struct {
    XMLName              xml.Name             `xml:"drug"`
    Name                 string               `xml:"name"`
    Groups               []string             `xml:"groups>group"`
    CalculatedProperties []Property           `xml:"calculated-properties>property"`
    ExternalIdentifiers  []ExternalIdentifier `xml:"external-identifiers>external-identifier"`

type Property struct {
    XMLName xml.Name `xml:"property"`
    Kind    string   `xml:"kind"`
    Value   string   `xml:"value"`
    Source  string   `xml:"source"`

type ExternalIdentifier struct {
    XMLName    xml.Name `xml:"external-identifier"`
    Resource   string   `xml:"resource"`
    Identifier string   `xml:"identifier"`

We can note the following:

With that set up, we can create our Go code to loop over our XML file in a streaming fashion, along the lines of David’s blog post , while also creating a TSV writer, which we use to stream-write our extracted output into a new file, drugbank_extracted.tsv (imports and main function left out for brevity):

xmlFile, err := os.Open("drugbank.xml")
if err != nil {
    panic("Could not open file: drugbank.xml")

tsvFile, err := os.Create("drugbank_extracted.tsv")
if err != nil {
    panic("Could not create file: drugbank_extracted.tsv")

tsvWrt := csv.NewWriter(tsvFile)
tsvWrt.Comma = '\t'
tsvHeader := []string{"inchikey", "status", "chembl_id", "pubchem_sid", "pubchem_cid"}

// Implement a streaming XML parser according to guide in
xmlDec := xml.NewDecoder(xmlFile)
for {
    t, tokenErr := xmlDec.Token()
    if tokenErr != nil {
        if tokenErr == io.EOF {
        } else {
            panic("Failed to read token:" + tokenErr.Error())
    switch startElem := t.(type) {
    case xml.StartElement:
        if startElem.Name.Local == "drug" {
            var status string
            var inchiKey string
            var chemblID string
            var pubchemSID string
            var pubchemCID string

            drug := &Drug{}
            decErr := xmlDec.DecodeElement(drug, &startElem)
            if err != nil {
                panic("Could not decode element" + decErr.Error())
            for _, g := range drug.Groups {
                if g == "approved" {
                    status = "A"
                // Withdrawn till "shadow" (what's the correct term?) approved status
                if g == "withdrawn" {
                    status = "W"
            for _, p := range drug.CalculatedProperties {
                if p.Kind == "InChIKey" {
                    inchiKey = p.Value

            for _, eid := range drug.ExternalIdentifiers {
                if eid.Resource == "ChEMBL" {
                    chemblID = eid.Identifier
                } else if eid.Resource == "PubChem Substance" {
                    pubchemSID = eid.Identifier
                } else if eid.Resource == "PubChem Compound" {
                    pubchemCID = eid.Identifier

            tsvWrt.Write([]string{inchiKey, status, chemblID, pubchemSID, pubchemCID})
    case xml.EndElement:

Turn into a reproducible workflow with SciPipe

Now, we could use SciPipe (Go-based workflow library I’m developing) to put this into a little workflow, where we also automaticalyl download the DrugBank data, Unzip it, and run the XML-to-TSV code. See this gist for the full workflow code.

To run the Go file in the gist, in short, what you need to do is:

Then, you should be able to run it, with:

go run drugbank_xml_to_tsv_with_scipipe.go

Full SciPipe workflow code example

I’m including the full SciPipe workflow code below as well, for the day when Github is down ;):

package main

import (

    sp ""

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Workflow definition
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

func main() {
    wf := sp.NewWorkflow("exvsdb", 2)

    // DrugBank XML
    // Note: We need to prepend '../' to the file drugbank_userinfo.txt, because the workflow will be run in a subfolder
    download := wf.NewProc("download", "curl -Lfv -o {o:zip} -u $(cat ../drugbank_userinfo.txt)")
    download.SetOut("zip", "dat/")

    unzip := wf.NewProc("unzip", `unzip -d dat/ {i:zip}; mv "dat/full database.xml" {o:xml}`)
    unzip.SetOut("xml", "dat/drugbank.xml")

    xmlToTSV := wf.NewProc("xml2tsv", "# Custom Go code with input: {i:xml} and output: {o:tsv}")
    xmlToTSV.SetOut("tsv", "{i:xml}.extr.tsv")
    xmlToTSV.CustomExecute = NewXMLToTSVFunc() // Getting the custom Go function in a factory method for readability


// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DrugBank struct definitions
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

type Drugbank struct {
    XMLName xml.Name `xml:"drugbank"`
    Drugs   []Drug   `xml:"drug"`

type Drug struct {
    XMLName              xml.Name             `xml:"drug"`
    Name                 string               `xml:"name"`
    Groups               []string             `xml:"groups>group"`
    CalculatedProperties []Property           `xml:"calculated-properties>property"`
    ExternalIdentifiers  []ExternalIdentifier `xml:"external-identifiers>external-identifier"`

type Property struct {
    XMLName xml.Name `xml:"property"`
    Kind    string   `xml:"kind"`
    Value   string   `xml:"value"`
    Source  string   `xml:"source"`

type ExternalIdentifier struct {
    XMLName    xml.Name `xml:"external-identifier"`
    Resource   string   `xml:"resource"`
    Identifier string   `xml:"identifier"`

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Components
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// NewXMLToTSVFunc returns a CustomExecute function to be used by the XML to TSV
// component in the workflow above
func NewXMLToTSVFunc() func(t *sp.Task) {
    return func(t *sp.Task) {
        fh, err := os.Open(t.InPath("xml"))
        if err != nil {
            sp.Fail("Could not open file", t.InPath("xml"))

        tsvWrt := csv.NewWriter(t.OutIP("tsv").OpenWriteTemp())
        tsvWrt.Comma = '\t'
        tsvHeader := []string{"inchikey", "status", "chembl_id", "pubchem_sid", "pubchem_cid"}

        // Implement a streaming XML parser according to guide in
        xmlDec := xml.NewDecoder(fh)
        for {
            t, tokenErr := xmlDec.Token()
            if tokenErr != nil {
                if tokenErr == io.EOF {
                } else {
                    sp.Fail("Failed to read token:", tokenErr)
            switch startElem := t.(type) {
            case xml.StartElement:
                if startElem.Name.Local == "drug" {
                    var status string
                    var inchiKey string
                    var chemblID string
                    var pubchemSID string
                    var pubchemCID string

                    drug := &Drug{}
                    decErr := xmlDec.DecodeElement(drug, &startElem)
                    if err != nil {
                        sp.Fail("Could not decode element", decErr)
                    for _, g := range drug.Groups {
                        if g == "approved" {
                            status = "A"
                        // Withdrawn till "shadow" (what's the correct term?) approved status
                        if g == "withdrawn" {
                            status = "W"
                    for _, p := range drug.CalculatedProperties {
                        if p.Kind == "InChIKey" {
                            inchiKey = p.Value

                    for _, eid := range drug.ExternalIdentifiers {
                        if eid.Resource == "ChEMBL" {
                            chemblID = eid.Identifier
                        } else if eid.Resource == "PubChem Substance" {
                            pubchemSID = eid.Identifier
                        } else if eid.Resource == "PubChem Compound" {
                            pubchemCID = eid.Identifier

                    tsvWrt.Write([]string{inchiKey, status, chemblID, pubchemSID, pubchemCID})
            case xml.EndElement:

(Code license: Public Domain )