Living Systems_


New paper on RDFIO for interoperable biomedical data management in Semantic MediaWiki

As my collaborator and M.Sc. supervisor Egon Willighagen already blogged , we just released a paper titled: “RDFIO: extending Semantic MediaWiki for interoperable biomedical data management ”, with uses cases from Egon and Pekka Kohonen , coding help from Ali King and project supervision from Denny Vrandečić , Roland Grafström and Ola Spjuth . See the picture below (from the paper) for an overview of all the newly developed functionality (drawn in black), as related to the previously existing functionality (drawn in grey):

SMWCon Fall 2016 - My talk on large RDF imports

I was invited to give a talk at Semantic MediaWiki (SMW) conference in Frankfurt last week, on our work on enabling import of RDF datasets into SMW . I have presented at SMWCon before as well (2011: blog , slides video , 2013: slides ), so it was nice to re-connect with some old friends, and to get up to date about how SMW is developing, as well as share about our own contributions.