Living Systems_


Compiling RDFHDT C++ tools on UPPMAX (RHEL/CentOS 7)

At we are researching how to use semantic technologies to push the boundaries for what can be done with intelligent data processing, often of large datasets (see e.g. our paper on linking RDF to cheminformatics and proteomics , and our work on the RDFIO software suite ). Thus, for us, RDFHDT opens new possibilites. As we are heavy users of the UPPMAX HPC center for our computations, and so, we need to have the HDT tools available there.

SMWCon Fall 2016 - My talk on large RDF imports

I was invited to give a talk at Semantic MediaWiki (SMW) conference in Frankfurt last week, on our work on enabling import of RDF datasets into SMW . I have presented at SMWCon before as well (2011: blog , slides video , 2013: slides ), so it was nice to re-connect with some old friends, and to get up to date about how SMW is developing, as well as share about our own contributions.