Living Systems_


Random notes from installing Debian 11 with separate accounts for work and private

See especially the end for info about how to set up a nice integration between the work and private accounts, such that one can e.g. occasionally start the mail client or web browser from the private account from the work one etc. Caveats when installing Debian 11 Make sure that an EFI partition is created (when I manually modified the partition table I accidentally deleted it, and had to reinstall to get it created properly again).

Installing Qubes OS

I just switched to Qubes OS as operating system on my main work laptop (a Dell Latitude). Or in fact, one of the reasons was to be able to combine work and private hobby coding projects, that’s increasinbly been happening on the same machine. Anyways, these are my experiences and notes, as a way to document caveats and quirks in case I need to do this again, while possibly also being of use for others.

Terminator as a middle-way between floating and tiling window managers

I have tried hard to improve my linux desktop productivity by learning to do as much as possible using keyboard shortcuts, aliases for terminal commands etc etc (I even produced an online course on linux commandline productivity ). In this spirit, I naturally tried out a so called tiling window manager (aka tiling wm). In short, a tiling wm organizes all open windows on the screen (or on the current desktop) into a “tiled” grid of frames.