When I presented a poster about SciCommander at the Swedish bioinformatics workshop last year, I got a lot of awesome feedback from some great people including Fredrik Boulund, Johannes Alneberg and others, of which I unfortunately lost the names (please shout out if you read this!).
(For those new to SciCommander, it is my attempt at creating a tool that can track complete provenance reports also for ad-hoc shell commands, not just those included in a pipeline.
I’m just back from the Applied Hologenomics Conference in 2024 (See also #AHC2024 on Twitter ) in Copenhagen and thought to reflect a little on the conference and highlight the bits that particularly stuck with me.
The first thing I want to say is that a paradigm shift is happening here.
I think what is happening here is a step away from the reductionist view of the past that goes beyond the systems biology approach that has been establishing itself during the last 10-20 years.